# sysgraph Really simple thingy that shows a graph of your cpu and ram usage on most linux distros. ### dependencies depends on "libboost-dev" "g++" "make" Debian/Ubuntu install dependencies: ```sh sudo apt install libboost-dev build-essential ``` ### compile ```sh make ``` ### install ```sh sudo install ./build/sysgraph /usr/local/bin/sysgraph ``` ### Usage Run `sysgraph` in a terminal to see the graph. Press `ctrl`+`c` to exit. The graph will update every second. The graph shows in an alternate terminal buffer. On exit with `ctrl`+`c` the program will exit safely and the terminal will be restored to its previous state. ### Screenshot <img src="https://cdn.sophuwu.site/img/sysgraph.png" alt="sysgraph in a terminal"></img> ### Note Temperature monitoring does not work on ARM processors. All AMD Ryezen and most Intel I series will work though.