> myweb   
             package main

import (
	_ ""
	_ ""

// BlogMeta is the metadata for a blog post in the database
type BlogMeta struct {
	ID    string `storm:"unique"`
	Title string `storm:"index"`
	Date  string `storm:"index"`
	Desc  string `storm:"index"`

// BlogContent is the content of a blog post in the database
type BlogContent struct {
	ID      string `storm:"unique"`
	Content string `storm:"index"`

// BlogIdGen generates a unique id for a blog post
func BlogIdGen(title, date string) string {
	title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, " ", "-")
	return filepath.Join(date, url.PathEscape(title))

// SaveBlog saves a blog post to the database with arguments
func SaveBlog(title, desc, body string, date ...string) error {
	if len(date) == 0 {
		date = append(date, time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"))
	id := BlogIdGen(title, date[0])

	err := DB.Save(&BlogContent{
		ID:      id,
		Content: body,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	blg := BlogMeta{
		ID:    id,
		Title: title,
		Date:  date[0],
		Desc:  desc,
	err = DB.Save(&blg)
	return err

// GetBlog retrieves a blog post from the database by id and returns the metadata and content
// as BlogMeta and BlogContent respectively. Returns an error if the blog post is not found.
func GetBlog(id string) (meta BlogMeta, content BlogContent, err error) {
	err = DB.One("ID", id, &content)
	if err != nil {
	err = DB.One("ID", id, &meta)

// GetBlogs retrieves all blog posts from the database and returns them as a slice of BlogMeta.
// Returns an error if the database query fails.
func GetBlogs() ([]BlogMeta, error) {
	var blogs []BlogMeta
	// err := DB.All(&blogs)
	err := DB.AllByIndex("Date", &blogs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for i := 0; i < len(blogs); i++ {
		for j := i + 1; j < len(blogs); j++ {
			if blogs[i].Date < blogs[j].Date {
				blogs[i], blogs[j] = blogs[j], blogs[i]
	return blogs, err

// BlogHandler handles requests to the blog page and individual blog posts
func BlogHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	path := r.URL.Query().Get("blog")
	if path == "" {
		blogs, err := GetBlogs()
		if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) {
		d, err := GetPageData("blogs")
		if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) {
		d["blogs"] = []BlogMeta(blogs)
		d.Set("NoBlogs", len(blogs))

		err = template.Use(w, r, "blogs", d)
		CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500)
	meta, content, err := GetBlog(path)
	if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 404) {
	data := template.Data(meta.Title, meta.Desc)
	data.Set("Date", meta.Date)
	err = template.Use(w, r, "blog", data)
	CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500)

// BlogManageList handles the /manage/blog/ route for listing all blog posts
func BlogManageList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	blogs, _ := GetBlogs()
	opts := make([]UrlOpt, len(blogs)+1)
	opts[0] = UrlOpt{Name: "Add new blog", URL: "/manage/blog/?id=new"}
	for i, b := range blogs {
		opts[i+1] = UrlOpt{Name: b.Title, URL: "/manage/blog/?id=" + url.PathEscape(b.ID)}
	d := template.Data("Manage blogs", "List of blogs")
	d.Set("Options", opts)
	err := template.Use(w, r, "manage", d)
	CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500)

// BlogManager handles the /manage/blog/ route for managing blog posts
func BlogManager(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.URL.Path != "/manage/blog/" {
		HttpErr(w, r, 404)
	if r.Method == "GET" {
		id := r.URL.Query().Get("id")
		if id == "" {
			BlogManageList(w, r)
		if id == "new" {
			var data = template.Data("New blog", "Create a new blog")
			data.Set("BlogUrl", "/manage/blog/")
			data.Set("BlogID", "new")
			data.Set("BlogDesc", "")
			data.Set("BlogContent", "")
			err := template.Use(w, r, "edit", data)
			CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500)
		meta, content, err := GetBlog(id)
		if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 404) {
		data := template.Data("Edit blog "+meta.Title, "Make changes to the content or description")
		data.Set("BlogUrl", "/manage/blog/")
		data.Set("BlogID", meta.ID)
		data.Set("BlogDesc", meta.Desc)
		data.Set("BlogContent", content.Content)
		err = template.Use(w, r, "edit", data)
		CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500)
	if r.Method == "POST" {
		err := r.ParseForm()
		if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) {
		id := r.Form.Get("id")
		title := r.Form.Get("title")
		desc := r.Form.Get("desc")
		body := r.Form.Get("content")
		date := r.Form.Get("date")
		if id == "" || desc == "" || body == "" || (id == "new" && title == "") {
			HttpErr(w, r, 400)
		if date == "" {
			date = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
		if id == "new" {
			err = SaveBlog(title, desc, body, date)
			CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500)
			http.Redirect(w, r, "/manage/blog/", 302)
		meta, content, err := GetBlog(id)
		if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) {
		if meta.Desc != desc {
			meta.Desc = desc
			err = DB.Update(&meta)
			if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) {
		if content.Content != body {
			content.Content = body
			err = DB.Update(&content)
			if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) {
		http.Redirect(w, r, "/manage/blog/", 302)