/* --theme: <integer 0-5>; * sets the theme color, 4 is the default. 0 white, 1-3 add yellow filter. 4 is dark, 5 changes header+link colors. --contrast: <bool 0/1>; * sets high contrast, 0 is the default. --font: string; * sets the font, 'JetBrains Mono' will be used from google fonts if not set. --font-size: <float><unit>; * sets the font size, 18px is the default. */ const CSSRx = /^(((\d+(\.\d+)?)(%|p[xtc]|r?em|ex|ch|v(min|max|w|h)|([cm]m)|in))|(((?<x>x{1,3}-)?(small|larg)e?((?<=\k<x>)r)?)|medium|normal))$/; let funcmap = { "--theme": function (value) { let v = parseInt(value); return (v < 0 || v > 5) }, "--contrast": function (value) { let v = parseInt(value); return (v < 0 || v > 1) }, "--font": function (value) { return (value.length < 1) }, "--font-size": function (value) { return !CSSRx.test(value) } }; function SaveValue(key, value) { let fn = funcmap[key] if (typeof(fn) != "function"||fn(value)) { return false; } localStorage.setItem(key, value); return true; } function DeleteValue(key) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } // var style = document.createElement('style'); // style.innerText += document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].cssText; // const styleCss = style.innerText; // style.id = "styleCss"; // document.head.appendChild(style); const style = document.getElementById("styleCss"); const styleCss = style.innerText; function setStyle() { let tmp = ":root{\n"; let ar = ["--theme", "--contrast", "--font", "--font-size"]; for (let key of ar) { let value = localStorage.getItem(key); if (value) tmp += `${key}:${value};` + "\n"; } tmp += "}"; style.innerText = tmp + styleCss; }