# nfpm example configuration file # # check https://nfpm.goreleaser.com/configuration for detailed usage # name: "manhttpd" arch: "amd64" platform: "linux" version: "1.4.0" section: "default" priority: "extra" replaces: provides: depends: - mandoc recommends: suggests: conflicts: maintainer: "sophuwu " description: | manhttpd is a frontend for the linux man pages. Offering a functional, minimalistic interface for viewing and finding pages. - Search directly by page name - Search by keyword/wildcard - Search by section number - Full regex name and description search It is useful for serving manpages over a network, or for browsing them in a web browser. vendor: "sophuwu.site" homepage: "https://sophuwu.site/manhttpd" license: "MIT" changelog: "" contents: - src: ../build/manhttpd dst: /usr/bin/manhttpd - src: ./manhttpd.service dst: /etc/manhttpd.service type: config overrides: deb: scripts: postinstall: ./postinstall.sh