/* * common.hpp * this is where all the common functions and variables are stored */ #ifndef BASHPROMPT_COMMON_H #define BASHPROMPT_COMMON_H #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> // for sin #include <vector> #include <string> typedef std::string str; struct paStr {str s, e;}; extern paStr PRT; extern paStr DBG; extern paStr* esc; extern str wrap(str s); extern str docmd(std::string inputted); extern str envorcmd(str env, str cmd); extern int atoi(int &n, const char *c, int i); extern int intenv(const char* env); extern std::vector<str> split(str s, char delim); extern int int2col(int n); extern str color2(int top, int bot); #endif //BASHPROMPT_COMMON_H