Golang HTTP service to allow users to search linux manual in their own system, with wildcards or regex (name + page summary), then convert to a dark themed html page with hyperlinks to named pages.
personal website in go to show blogs and art
Terminal image viewer. Unlike other implementations, this will scale the image to fit in the terminal; maintaining aspect ratio.
Custom implementation of bbolt dbfs specifically for http. Can also serve directories. Uploaded files can only be saved into the dbfs for security. Uses otp and password to protect upload handler.
Generator for a rainbow bash prompt that will color based on ip and user
Application to view postfix inbox in terminal or local http server
Melgody is a terminal mp3 player. Made for playing music on headless machines with speakers.
a graph of sys stuff like cpu temp, usage and ram
Repo for testing otp in golang. Might expand into an actual library in the future.
some encryption key stuff. simple use of nacl box.
A cli calculator for doing basic operations in a pinch.
your important system info like cpu temperate, frequency, accurate cpu % (1 second delay) and ram! one line tells everything!
Another ls command but with rainbows and in c++ so it's 5x faster than go ;)
A simple OTP generator I made while learning basic cryptography